Judy Lovens CCHt, CTHt
Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

Client love and gratitude goes two ways....
I witness, acknowledge and truly respect each of my clients.
I'm incredibly honored and grateful that they have chosen me to partner with them on their path to wholeness and highest potential!
I cannot say enough about what Judy has done for me personally. I came to her several times with relationship issues, self-worth issues, business success issues, and many other things. She has done a beautiful and powerful job helping me release self-limiting beliefs, heal my relationship, empowered my entrepreneurial spirit, and self-empowerment. The one part I valued of her was that she took this work very seriously and for her it was sacred, and it came from the heart. She is very intuitive, honest, sincere, genuine, and loving in her approach. She made me feel very comfortable and calm through the process even when I was anxious. She has helped me bring up blockages from the heart that I didn’t even know I had that were so deeply embedded within me. I was able to see some of my past lives and gain some emotional healing from them and even visit some childhood memories that I didn’t know were affecting me during this time of my life. Her voice is so calming and soothing. It made it very easy to trust her and stay in a relaxed state. I highly recommend Judy! She will change your life completely!!
Sabrina R
I've been blessed to receive Judy's intuitive guidance and deep healing work for many years. She has a gift for helping me see issues and perspectives I can't get to on my own, tapping into her intuitive capabilities and drawing on her hypnotherapy training and certification. Judy's warmth and kindness, compassion and caring, convey her desire to help. She creates a safe space for me to open what is closed within me...she is a healer's healer.
Lori L
Working with Judy was life changing. Going into my first session, I was not sure what area of my life I wanted to focus on. I knew I was not happy but not sure why. Judy’s calming and warm personality gently guided me, leading to the area of my business. The hurdles in my business took me back to messages I had heard as a child. Working with Judy helped me recognize what was true and what was not. Our sessions allowed me to open my heart, heal and look at life differently. As I began to look at my business with an open heart, it began to grow exponentially.
Diana F